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4 Ways to Stay Truly Connected...No Devices Needed

When I was a child, I used to watch reruns of Get Smart. My brother and I spent hours talking into our sneakers, trying to replicate Maxwell Smart’s iconic shoe phone. I recently saw an image of this and was struck by how insanely outdated - and wrong - the technology was. Back in the mid-1960’s when the show ran, no one could predict the transformative role communications would play in the internet age. I mean, seriously, the creators of that show’s version of the now ubiquitous iPhone was a shoe with a rotary dial.

Both our personal and business lives are dramatically enhanced with the evolution of digital communication. Rather than waiting for a fax to crawl through a machine, we can able to respond electronically —and at lightning speed —through an endless amount of tools. Often, this is done with our smartphones that never seem to be out of our site. It’s shaving time off and enhancing productivity for sure, but there are some downsides to this as well. We are beginning to let our human connections erode.

We certainly aren’t going to slow the pace of communication transformation, especially as AI begins to take a larger role. However, regardless of whatever progress is made - much of which we can’t even begin to dream of right now - we cannot lose our humanity and connection to one another. Below, find four ways to stay truly connected when you put down your device.


I’ll admit it: I’m one of those super annoying people who have my laptop open during meetings.  As hard as I try to engage and stay focused, I find it nearly impossible not to get distracted by the Slack messages, emails, texts, etc. that pile up during the course of a one-hour meeting. Intellectually, I understand it’s rude to the person hosting the meeting. I also appreciate that is how everyone is working. We’ve begun to morph into a culture of people who literally cannot listen to someone without a piece of technology right next to us. And yet look at some of our most impressive communicators.  Whether it’s President Obama or your amazing manager, we don’t pay attention because they blasted us with a tweet. We tune in because they somehow manage to capture our attention and make us feel like we are the most important person to them at that time. Now consider if those people communicated strictly through technology. Would we be as influenced? Personal interactions aren’t just a necessity for “people in charge.” It’s vital to building any relationship, making a sale, or selling a new idea. Paying attention and making those human connections are the difference between having someone listen, and actually being able to influence them.


As we have become more and more reliant on technology to communication our writing has become subject to some serious miscommunication. When we don’t supplement with human connections, we leave our messages free from tone, nuance, and physical gestures.  As a result, things can often be misinterpreted. Think about the last time you were irked because someone sent you a weird emoji or responded in what you interpreted to be a snarky way. Was it intentional, or just hard to decipher? Though small scale in nature and a quick way to send messages, when communicating lacks those other critical elements, it can downright strain personal connections.  It can also result in missed opportunities or damaged relationships.


There is no doubt that digital communication can be exceptionally effective, especially if we are collaborating across offices, working remotely, etc.  It allows us to connect with our colleagues, partners, and customers in ways we wouldn’t have imagined even just a few short years ago. That said, using these tools as the default communication method puts those human connections at risk. Finding a balance between the digital and the human is incredibly important. This isn’t just a business challenge; it applies to our own lives as well. When we stop speaking and focus solely on the non-human ways of communication, we throw that delicate balance off.  


Regardless of the brilliant technological innovations, we will see in our future. Nothing will ever replace human connection. Whether it’s sharing a meal, grabbing a coffee or just saying hello in person to a customer you’ve been connected with numerous times on the phone, it goes a very long way in enhancing a relationship.  The analog subtleties of things like body language, eye contact, etc. can simply not be replaced by digital enhancements. Without a doubt, our lives are enhanced by technological advances, and it is making communicating with the world far more efficient than ever before. However, nothing will ever replace the solely human characteristics of integrity, trust, and empathy. Balance it all, and we will indeed have an amazing world in front of us.

Christina Luconi is Chief People Officer for Rapid7. Follow her on Twitter: @peopleinnovator