
Givzey is the first Give Now, Pay Later donation solution specifically built to enable donors the freedom to split donations into four equal and interest-free installments. When donors use Givezy, our nonprofit partners immediately receive the gift in-full and the capital they need to change the world.

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Check out our podcast interview with Angel Invest Boston:


Givzey is revolutionizing the financial technology for nonprofit fundraising organizaitons.

Because of the flexible and recurring nature of repayments, our early tests show that on average, donors are willing to increase their annual gifts by more than 200% with Givzey's Give Now, Pay Later solution. This alone is a breakthrough in philanthropic giving, and if we can prove that this type of subscription-based philanthropy is sustainable, it sets the stage for an extraordinary impact on a nonprofit’s annual giving program – changing the way these organizations cultivate, solicit, and steward their loyal donors.  

Like any startup, we’re confident that where we start won’t be where we’ll end up and as the first company tackling this problem, the learning curve will be steep. But, with a world-class team, hard work, patience and a bit of grace, I’m also confident we can, again, revolutionize the nonprofit sector and do something never before thought possible.