The VentureFizz Podcast: Jennifer Smith - CEO & Co-Founder of Scribe banner image

The VentureFizz Podcast: Jennifer Smith - CEO & Co-Founder of Scribe

Episode #261 of The VentureFizz Podcast features Jennifer Smith, CEO & Co-Founder of Scribe.

How many times a week does someone ping you with a question about how to do something? You could respond by explaining it over email, jumping on Zoom to show them to give the visual, detail it with step by step instructions in a doc… or you could just make a Scribe in seconds. 

Lots of products help solve pain points, but very few really nail the user experience to the point where you pause with a delightful look on your face and blurt out “that’s cool.” It’s that a-ha moment that any founder would love to see from its users.

Before interviewing Jennifer, I signed up for Scribe. As a product-led-growth company, the onboarding process was incredibly simple, as it should be, but it was the experience of using their product that gave me the exact a-ha experience. 

In this episode of our podcast, we cover:

  • Advice and tips on best practices for onboarding remote employees.
  • Jennifer’s background story including how she landed on the investment side of the equation and how her experience at Greylock helped her as an entrepreneur.
  • Lots of details about Scribe including how the idea came to fruition, building out the company, their go-to-market strategy, onboarding of new users, and more.
  • Key advice for entrepreneurs on raising VC funding and how to build out a diverse team.
  • And so much more.