The VentureFizz Podcast: Noah Isaacs - Co-Founder at Bowery Valuation banner image

The VentureFizz Podcast: Noah Isaacs - Co-Founder at Bowery Valuation

For the 92nd episode of our podcast, I interviewed Noah Isaacs, Co-Founder at Bowery Valuation.

Noah is the definition of the words "determination" and "hustle." This mentality stems back to his teenage years, where he had a dream of working for a Major League Baseball team. With this goal in mind, he actually cold called every baseball team and dialed through to each extension hoping to get in touch with the team’s GM to land a job. He eventually did connect with the GM from the San Francisco Giants, but obviously, he was too young and inexperienced at the time.

He didn’t let this discourage him. When he was 20 years old, Noah and his longtime childhood friend and current Co-Founder, John Meadows set out to build the experience required for a back office position in baseball. They took the initiative to create a website where they would report their findings from scouting minor league players up and down the West Coast.

This ended up creating the very stroke of luck Noah needed to land his dream job as an intern. He shares more of the details in the podcast, but it is definitely one of those stories that sets the stage and tone for their future success as entrepreneurs.

Bowery is bringing the real estate appraisal industry to the modern era with an end-to-end software solution for commercial real estate appraisals. The company has raised a total of $17M in funding, including a $12M Series A round which was announced this past January.

In this episode of our podcast, we cover lots of topics, like:

  • More of the details on Noah and John’s friendship and the story on how he became an intern for the Toronto Blue Jays.
  • How they discovered an industry that was ripe for disruption.
  • The interesting story of how Bowery Valuation was founded, plus its current state and scale.
  • Advice for founders raising capital.
  • Lessons learned from building and scaling the business.
  • Plus, a lot more.

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Keith Cline is the Founder of VentureFizz. Follow him on Twitter: @kcline6.